



Case Studies


4 min


December 31, 2024

Reducing medication expiries by connecting pharmacies to customers

Reducing medication expiries by connecting pharmacies to customers

Reducing medication expiries by connecting pharmacies to customers

Reducing medication expiries by connecting pharmacies to customers

Mubarak Odeyemi

According to a survey of 79 pharmacies within Famasi's network, at least 20% of medications expiry on pharmacy shelf is caused due to slow moving stock. This supply chain inefficiency is a costly issue for pharmacies, leading to financial losses and limited patient access to essential medications. Lack of data-driven procurement means patients have to visit up to 8 pharmacies to find their exact medications and pharmacies who have the medications need improved visibility to reduce expiries.

Why medications expire on pharmacy shelf

Through strategic partnerships on real-time inventory data, Famasi is helping pharmacies tackle this challenge, one connection at a time. Strengthfield Pharmacy is a PCN-licensed provider established in 2007, providing pharmaceutical products, diagnostic equipment, and medical consumables. The pharmacy's commitment to quality service has made it a trusted name serving its community since 2007.

How long has your pharmacy been in operations?

The Challenges

When Strengthfield learnt about Famasi, they had 3 major challenges it was hoping to solve with the Requests feature on Dispensary.

1. Expansion support into new coverage areas
2. Increase inventory
3. Render additional services

These are common issues with almost every pharmacy. Due to the asset-heavy nature of pharmacies, increasing coverage has often been by opening multiple branches. According to PCN, pharmacies should be at least 200m apart which means a pharmacies inventory might only be for a 200m radius community. For most independent pharmacies, funding and limited operational resources created hurdles makes it difficult to grow and enhance service delivery.

Requests on Dispensary

In 2023, Strengthfield Pharmacy joined the Famasi Africa network, attracted by the "professionalism and transparency". Integration was seamless, and the partnership quickly became a two-way learning experience, enhancing both operational efficiency and patient outcomes.

Through Requests, Famasi's contribution to Strengthfield has grown by an average of % monthly over the past 6 months. By deepening our relationship and finding newer features to build, there's so much more to achieve together.

The impact

According to Strengthfield Pharmacy, partnering with Famasi & using Requests on Dispensary has helped reduce expiries by 2%. This number is a reflection of humble beginnings and a potential that can be tapped at large.

Our goal with Dispensary is to help pharmacies be more efficient and drive expiries down by up to 27% by connecting pharmacies with medications to customers who need them.

"If a colleague asks me, I will encourage them to go with Famasi Africa. They have been tested and thus can be trusted."

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